Sunday, May 20, 2007

Follow-Up to Gun Nuts...

Want to know why I'm so convinced you gun nuts are all whackjobs?
MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) -- Police say two people, including the likely shooter, have been found dead inside a church surrounded by law officers after three people were shot. Dozens of law enforcement officers surrounded a church Sunday where they believed they had cornered a shooter or shooters who wounded two officers and a civilian in bursts of automatic gunfire, police said.
"He was just shooting at anybody he could," Duke said. "We believe the shots
were from a high area, based on where the victims were shot."
Duke said the victims were shot with automatic weapons.

Of course, let us not forget some of the other "highlights" of the gun-rights issue:
  • Virginia Tech: Seung-Hui Cho was able to purchase weapons after being involuntarily committed for psychiatric problems
  • Nickel Mines, PA: Charles Carl Roberts IV killed five young Amish girls and -- thankfully -- himself in an Amish school house
  • Tacoma, WA: Dominick Maldonado opens fire in a shopping mall with a pair of assault rifles, wounding six.
  • Salt Lake City, UT: Sulejmen Talovic, an 18-year-old Bosnian immigrant, opened fire on shoppers, killing five and injuring four others.
  • Kingston, NY: Robert Bonelli entered amall with a replica of a AK47 and began firing his weapon. No one was killed and only two were injured.
  • Atlanta, GA: Mark O. Barton killed 12 and injured 12, using legal but unlicensed guns
  • Moses Lake, WA: Two students and one teacher killed, one other wounded when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.
  • Littleton, CO: Harris and Klebold shoot up Columbine High School

Yeah, let's keep weapons readily available so that anyone -- whackjob, would-be terrorist, bank robber, wife-killer -- anyone can have one.

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