Sunday, February 28, 2021

I Work With Idiots. And I Mean **IDIOTS**

[Edited to remove confusing formatting] 

The two trumpers working day shift showed up this morning at 6:30, as usual. They were talking politics, and from what I overheard (since they know better than to tell ME their bullshit):

Biden got caught selling the nuclear launch codes to the Chinese, so

  • the Army cancelled the compromised codes
  • gave Biden fake codes, and
  • gave the "real" codes to trump, 
  • since "he's technically still our president"
When I mentioned trump's meeting with Putin in Helsinki (when trump entered after being obviously taken to the woodshed by Putin), I was told trump looked sad, because he had to yell at our ally Putin

trump is going to run for the House in 2022, unless "the Army takes out" incumbent Rep Lois Frankel (who is a democrat)

Once he is a Congressman, he will be elected Speaker of the House by a unanimous* vote and
  • he will impeach Biden and Harris by unanimous* votes and remove them, becoming President
  • he will repeal the 22nd Amendment (presidential term limits) by Executive Order
  • and "keep getting re-elected till he dies, and then Ivanka takes over"
Biden's use of Executive Orders "is completely illegal"

Biden "and that woman who claims to be black" are "still running their child sex ring from DC"
  • I mentioned Epstein and was told the following:
    • trump never met Epstein
    • the picture of trump with Epstein was actually Biden, with trump's face photoshopped in
  • trump is in the process of gathering the evidence that will "prove" the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, and Harrises "are all known child killers after they rape the kids."
trump will outlaw all political parties but the GOP

"Then we get to kill all you fucking libs and take back our country"

* I don't know how they think trump's going to get "unanimous" votes, unless the GOP executes all the Dems in the Senate and House. I'm sure the two fuckwads I work with would think that was a dandy solution.